Family Law
Real Estate
While this area of the law is generally more straight-forward and less emotionally charged, it is still important to have an attorney that understands all aspects of real estate law. Prior to going to law school, I worked for an Abstract office and was also a Deputy Recorder in the Recorder’s office. My assistant, Jen Elgersma, also worked for an abstract office. Because of that prior experience, we have expertise in drawing out legal descriptions, verifying title to property, rendering title opinions, and assisting with any step of a real estate transaction or a dispute involving real estate.
Appellate Work
The results of a trial are not final. A loss can be turned into a victory on appeal and vice versa. If I have handled your underlying case, I will fight hard both in writing and in oral argument to convince the Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court that a mistake was made at the trial level or, in the alternative, to convince the Court that the decision of the trial court should be upheld. If the attorney who handled your underlying case is not experienced with the appellate process or simply does not have the time to devote to an appeal, I will review your record and give you an honest opinion of what I believe can be achieved in an appeal.